
Seems cool, but site might be lifehackered. Also, the link to the new 2.0 doesn't seem to work.

@NCase: The Scots have a word for that. They would say you "tartled." The blankness that comes when a name you know escapes you is a tartle. Very useful word, please spread its use.

@mkr10001: I just saw an ad for a LAPTOP, "with Aero shake." Sigh.

I want that wallpaper.

@FЯeeMan: Remember having to pull out the program disk to stick in the data disk, and then swap for spell check?

@RickS: I admire even the attempt

Hoping for Texter for Win7

@eien: I always wondered why that style of plug, in different sizes, didn't become more popular. No pins to bend. I suppose it was a patent thing.

Actually, at our school, kids use the HTTPS thing to get onto Facebook all the time.

@kasakka: I actually rarely use a reader anymore, I only use Live Bookmarks. However, as EasilyDistracted points out, bad for productivity. It's why I'm here, after all.

@kagekiri: I believe you are correct. The assumption of superiority, which I think we are all occasionally guilty of, causes more problems then assuming mediocrity. And there is something about pride coming before something else...

@Squalor: I agree with the "less than" because it is basically a mathematical statement, "if h<9', then cranky."


As a guy with 67 Enabled Extensions,(hey, if I want speed, I'll use Chrome) I think I'll wait a bit, at least until the Mr Tech Toolkit is updated.

For the $100, buy a Mobile Black Box, and every existing FM receiver in your house access everything your computer plays.

Whys is the Firefox button above the tabs in the top pic, and beside them in the next two? Is that how full screen works in 4? Might finally be able to drop the Hide Chrome extension.