@Leggie: +1
@Leggie: +1
Still "powered by Mozilla" for the general release, and the beta has the Chromium logo on the page. I assume they will drop the old version. Would there be any reason to support both?
Will they let me upload my 40 Gb of MP3s and listen to it anywhere? Sure!
@750: Just so you're not the only snarky one; "SINCE been questioning." :) I'm not sure what "watiting" is, but I think it is illegal in Alabama.
@theamazingpete: I thought that too. According to the link in my last post, however, 1 Imp oz ≈ 0.96075994040 fl oz and 1 US fluid oz ≈ 1.04084273079 Imp fl oz.
@#c24430496:Funny. Of course, in Canada, we still talk about "40s" of hard liquor, which should be called a quart, but US quarts are only 32 oz. Poor buggers. Of course, their ounces are a little bigger.
@kettlewhistle: That would be a good name for an album.
Weekend project. Open beer. Drink beer. Rinse and repeat.
@D0GG: For some things, yes. For example, I have LiveSync keeping my pictures current on three computers, but I don't want to fill up my 2GB of Dropbox space with them. I don't need to access them from the cloud, and if I do, I do it in Picaso. The new Dropbox feature, if you could take the cloud-saved (Dropbox…
Apparently not Google.ca
@kc2idf: Your talkin' crazy!
Two things made me happy about this. One, almost all of these are available as portable apps. Two, I run most of them. Damn, I'm good. Or a good follower.
@Micho: "It's about opening doors, not crawling through Windows," as the ad for (I believe) OS/2 said. (Capitalization mine.)
This is nice, but I want the ability to have some things on everything BUT the Dropbox server, a la FolderShare/LiveSync. I still use LiveSync for photos and stuff, because if they are on all my computers, I don't need them filling up my Dropbox space. (Maybe that is why they don't have that option.)
@buckets78: I agree with others, "free beer" will get you killed, but can we yell "movie!" in a crowed firehouse?
@jodaff: Or, avoid making symlinks (sp?) by having a folder copy to your local Dropbox folder when the contents change.
@TiccTechToe: I would like to lose the religous part of the date (although I like the Latin) but "Common Era" is booorrrrriiiiinnngg.
Is this run by a competitor to 31 boxes? 31, 42... Like a rival for WD-40 called JB-80, "It's twice a good."
I got my first computer in my 3rd year university. An Amstrad portable with 512k and dual 720k floppy drives. DUAL drives, see how cool I was?
@Dubs: +1 "future nostalgia" I wish you were in my English class. (The one I teach, not on I take.)