@Git Em SteveDave loves this guy—>: That... is ... Awesome!
@Git Em SteveDave loves this guy—>: That... is ... Awesome!
@Sion28: Me too. Super makes me feel stupid. How many acronyms do I need to know?
@nivek5: I agree. Use cloud for a "backup" (second copy you might use) and carry a big stick.
I mostly like the changes, but I must confess that I prefer indented comments. If I expand a long sub-comment section, and decide I don't want to read them all, I find it takes me a while to find that switched icon/avatar thing harder to navigate to than an indent. Other than that, change is good. (Change is…
@karlawithak: Not to be a fear-monger, but if that inflation caused the world community to start trading oil in Euros, the US dollar would become like the peso, or lire.
@Drakar2007: I agree it is confusing. The question I have (and it extends from your power-line analogy, is this: If the bad (sub-prime) loans are behind this, would it not make more sense for the government to pay those loans until a)the real estate is worth the mortgage value, when it could be sold, or b) the…
@broomstick: Ditto the hint!
@Maulleigh: Shave in the shower too. I used to use a mirror, but soon it's not necessary. It takes about two minutes in the shower, and saves 5-10.
@cliffordthered: I smell a David Cronenberg movie.
Aww man, Gina and Nora talked and I missed it? Thank —- (insert deity here) for CBC podcasts!
@polobunny: As my students would say, "Ooooohhh, burn!" :)
@grandtheftcd: It wasn't that great. 3.11 (the network version) rocked, though.
As others have said, awesome article. I tend to avoid goals because targeting one thing makes me not try for something else. So I do neither.
Kevin seems to have taken it with sense of humour, one reason that this site rocks.
@speed1961: Also doesn't work with Robertson screws. (Square-head to you non-Canucks.)
@Deadhacker: "It's not whether you're paranoid. It's whether you are paranoid enough." As the strange woman told the Lone Gunmen.
@GregDinAL: But they hoard hordes of them! :)
@Meetloaf13: What, pray tell, are shnickees? (My excuse for a test.)
@Freezen: Damn! Beat me to ABS and HIV, what about RAID discs? And free giveaways?
If you are in a location like the one shown, I'd attach them solidly, and make the area behind the bottom ones side-accessable storage.