Now this is an old school Zelda player.
All I want from this game is more borderlands. Fuck innovation. Not every franchise needs a new gimmick. Give me updated graphics, tighten up the gunplay a bit, improve UI and character movement, and give me new story. They did that. Now they're getting my money.
Am I the only person who find the complaint about a lack of innovation to be completely irrelevant? I mean, how many people who are planning to buy Borderlands 3 want it to be anything other than more Borderlands? I know some people are saying “I was burnt out of Borderlands after the first one, part 2 didn’t tickle…
That thing is rad. Way cooler than the chocolate-eating mouse that was in my apartment Friday night and in the dumpster Saturday night. Spotted him as I was getting ready for bed, investigated, and found out he’d chewed in to a package of lindt truffles and eaten half of one. Those are my sea salt truffles, you…
There’s kind of an off tone here. The premise seems to be that maybe people only liked Borderlands because they were immature and young and now they are old and seasoned and won’t? I guess that works if you assume that the player was X age (maybe your age?) when they first started playing but now they have “been to a…
fuck off, get fucked, get hit by a fuckin’ car you fuckin’ shit
You mean.... every other con? They don’t ban anyone, did you even notice the white and asian people in the cosplay sections? Or i’m guessing you didnt even bother to watch the video, because then you wouldnt have posted.
No. It is not racist. The point is to include people that get messed with at other cons, not to exclude people or get revenge. Intent matters.
unpopular opinion here....i completely agree. saw this in theaters in 3d and it was one of the best movie going experiences in a long time.
I am, and will always be, a huge fan of Tron: Legacy. Loved the effects, the look, and the incredible score. :D
Oh, this... this is beautiful.
I ... I mean what the actual fuck?!
*coff *coff* Captain Harlock *coff
I honestly see no good reason why Aubrey Plaza shouldn’t be Catwoman. She’s the perfect age, she looks similar to Selina Kyle, she’s versatile enough to do the combat and the sexy cat burgler stuff. She’s not an A list star but she’s recognizable enough that she’s a decent name. (Plus casting Pattinson implies they’re…