Exactly. I don’t understand what the hell the problem is. The game is great! People need to pull the stick out of their asses about this. If you want something more serious, go play that. Borderlands was made to make fun of itself and not to be taken super seriously. My wife and I are having a blast! These…
I want to give you more stars!!!!
I think the group that did Metal Gear Rising Revengeance wouldn’t mind lending a hand!
It’s great to have you back sir! Please take it slow and easy.
Yes, yes I do hate him! I tried to do my strikes for last week and I think I wiped more times than a raid. The Light level was 350 and I was 345. I can’t believe we wiped on a 5 light level difference.
Mike, you are one of the main reasons I come to Kotaku. You and your fantastic articles, your amazingly hilarious snacktaku vids, and your pink computer gear! My prayers go out to you and your family sir and I hope you recover soon!
This was a fantastic version of Batman! I wanted to see a full series when I first saw it. Sucks they didn’t extend this.
When work lets out early!
Thank you! You made my day with X!
Hands down one of my favorite characters in the DC Universe! Glad to see the Doctor is in! The voice for him is EPIC! Take notes Marvel! Put Moon Knight in the next Marvel Vs. Capcom!