Humans to Aliens: “Put it in H!”
Humans to Aliens: “Put it in H!”
Nice. When about did you put down your preorder? I put mine down last July. Apparently, they will be contacting me in the next couple of months according to the Steam page supposedly.
“Hey Pat & Ian, fuck you!”
Don’t forget Happy Feet.
This is a South Park episode happening in real-time.
I wanna play Ghostbusters.
I think the judge from Nothing But Trouble is more trustworthy than these clowns.
Is Newman the big bad of the game?
No Katy no deal.
Right? It’s the Dorito Pope himself. He is not going to bite the hands that feed him. I think Kotaku just wants another excuse to highlight the Acti/Blizz drama again (which I have no problem with really).
Ah yes, the anonymous internet users death threat defense when they are called out. “I didn’t actually mean it. It was a joke.”
V-Rock got gutted.
I hope they revoke his license for several years. Entitled little shit.
Cloak & Dagger was a 1984 kids movie starring Henry Thomas who had just done E.T. a couple years earlier. It gets really violent as I recall. The main bad guy threatens to shoot Henry’s character in the knee caps just to torture him at one point! Watched it again recently and the movie is actually a really cool…
I saw Urotsukidoji when I was 15. I uh...didn’t really know what to make of it at the time. Definitely left an impression though.
One way or the other they will still harvest your data. Hard pass.