
I bought the Android version of Vice City several years ago and it worked fine on my old phone...but isn't compatible with my new one. What gives there? 

I (we) appreciate it. It just feels like we are constantly getting more and more weight put on us, with every new admin position adding a new layer of bureacracy (paperwork) to our workload. Having narcolepsy, my physical and mental resources are finite, and I’ve reached an acceptance that I can only do so much and

At least they have a union...we got nothin' in GA. They finally gave us a $3k raise this year, after at least 10+ years of nothing, but I feel like its blood money to keep teachers voting against their interests in 2020 and beyond.

I think there is a typo...

I had a TMNT Tiger game...and they based the damn thing on the infamous underwater level from the first NES game. I recall eventually beating it, but I don't know how.

God, those are names we haven’t heard in some time. I don’t even keep up with cabinet positions anymore. I assume that anyone currently holding one is just a mindless puppet controlled by the diseased hive-mind in the White House. The worst manifestation of collective unconsciousness.

My son not so subtley drops 4-5x a day that WWE 2k20 is up for pre-order on Steam. I not so gently remind him that we will get it when the game and all of the DLC is $30, although I was quite pissed to find almost all of the cosmetics and moves for my MyPlayer still hidden behind a massive pay-or-grind wall in the

Puerto Rico is the apex of corruption, but Guatemala is a safe place for Hondurans and El Salvadorans to seek asylum, and Russia deserves to rejoin the G7? I think we know whose grey matter is corrupt...

Never have I been more elated by our complete lack of infrastructure foresight and organization. 

I’m sure these guys contributed some nice ideas, but it is universally known that Satan invented D&D. I suppose this argument among mortals could be settled if we could only determine which man first held commune with Lucifer.

Director James Dobson? What an unfortunate name, as that is also the name of the founder of hard right evangelical group Focus on the Family. Given that the religious right is turning in logical circles, as always, to justify immigration policy, I won’t complain about any conflation.

I have narcolepsy, and the new school year(we started on August 1) is already taking a toll on my energy level to the point that even sitting in front of TV seems intimidating. Thus, I’ve been revisiting my 2Ds library in bed while my wife watches TV. Right now, I’m putting in serious time on Chrono Trigger DS, but I

You got me there. I hesitated with stars and bars, thinking I may have been wrong, but went with it anyway. My favorite memory regarding the whole GA flag battle occurred when we histed G8 at Sea Island. They prepared for the huge protests typical of such events, but the only protestors that showed up were there to

I would add or counter with Sonny Perdue at Dept of Agriculture. He was pretty decent as governor of GA, especially compared to the asswipe we have now. I mean, he presided over removing the stars and bars from our state flag, so thats something...

Just don't bounce between this and any other melee game. Dark Souls and Monster Hunter skills do not translate here. I haven't played this one in a long time. I still need to finish the samurai path. They should add more singleplayer; I like that it plays out like a higher-skill warriors game.

No shame there, I’m a military aviation nerd myself. Our house was less than a 15 minute drive from an Air National Guard/Marine Corps bombing range, so it was great for plane watching: especially for A-10s and F-18s. Now, the Marines have full control of it and F-35s are on the menu, but I live in central GA now, so

I grew up on the coast and my high school was one block away from the marsh/river. One of our teachers made the newspaper (admittedly not hard to do in a town of 2,000 residents) when an osprey dropped a big ol’ spottail bass and hit her in the head. 

Well, the whole GOP “Southern Strategy” was based around scaring white evangelicals into thinking that Carter (who they voted for in record numbers; it was the largest turnout of evangelicals since before WW2) was going to force them to diversify their sacred white flight “Christian” schools. In reality, the policy

In my hometown in South GA, schools weren’t properly integrated until 1972??? I think. Around the same time a Christian private school mysteriously popped up in a town of less than 2,000...white flight!!!! 

There are Charismatic Catholics and even Episcopalians who practice "spirit-filled" Christianity. Not many, but congregations do exist.