
Wing windows, square rear wheel arches, lack of a side marker on the front fender puts that one at about ‘67 or 68. Same as the ‘67 Midget I bought when I was 16. My ‘69 Sprite I bought when I has the side markers. I rebuilt that car, got in it the next day and drove clear across the country. Never had to push it

Yes, when “basketball” is a stand-in for “you are black and therefore you should not be playing hockey.” It’s clearly intended to reference a racial stereotype, and deploying it to taunt and unsettle a black man makes it obviously racist as hell.

Yeah, but that’s not how journalism ethics works. The story had credibility but the reporting.... didn’t. No real sources, no real facts to report. I get that was incredibly frustrating for Jezebel (and the other ex-gawker sites), but that doesn’t give them a license to just keep stirring the pot publicly on the hopes

Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.

I know many of you are going to have a hard time believing this, but the heater on an old MGA or MGB can be quite effective and keep your feet nice and toasty. I don’t know about other people, but as long as my feet are warm, I’m OK.

He was good, friendly, affable, generous man. With a family. A small daughter. Who tortured and killed animals to entertain a mob.

Best way to avoid accidents with guns... Get a good gun safety education and get your CHILDREN to gun safety classes. the worst thing you can do is treat guns like an evil boogyman and only use scary words. Children absolutely need to understand a gun is not a toy, and that you only point it at things you want dead

Too many people don’t have their side mirrors adjusted correctly. You should not be able to see any of your car in your side mirror. Adjust the driver side mirror by moving your head near the window and angling the mirror so you can’t see the side of your car. Adjust the passenger side mirror by leaning to the

Hi Apple! I’m Orange. Nice to meet you.

He did more than that. He never called her a name to your face. He never reacted when she slapped the back of his seat or his car in general. He never reacted when she threatened his livelihood or fraudulent legal action. He is not a saint, but examining him harshly just on non-physical interaction takes away from his

People with their false equivalencies man...

Even I am willing to cut this guy a little slack. I mean, she was acting like a fucking asshole.

Yes. He was justifiably mad and she was precisely what he said.

Is Bitch sexist though? I call men that and honestly think it’s on par with asshole.

Ignore?! What would you insinuate she was then?

Let’s put it this way: if I see a future thinkpiece about the “problematic” language of this guy, who had just gotten out of a massively stressful and threatening situation at the hands of an utter shitbag, I’ll have to tie my hands to the desk to keep myself from throwing a brick through my monitor.

Don’t care. Really, really don’t care in this instance. And, frankly, it seems silly to focus on that when the actual story is one person threatening to ruin another person’s livelihood, and making the problem of believing sexual assault victims more difficult in the process.

No, we’re not. We can talk about it.

I know I am. You don’t get a pass on getting cussed out because you’re a girl.

I will. Don’t spit fire and act like an ass if you can’t fucking take it.