
Don’t struggle. Just be obedient. ...While I violate your civil rights.

3 grown men.

Speaking as someone who unashamedly enjoys the frak out of the Resident Evil movies (all 253 of them), I thought Rampage was goofy fun. I enjoyed it. Sometimes I just want to turn my brain off for two hours and watch The Rock pretend to be X (in this case a primatologist).

It’s like he’s trapped in 1992. I don’t think MC Serch still talks like this.


I’m so tired of this shit. You have to blatantly ignore California’s history to paint anyone one as “invading.” These folks and their ancestors aren’t crossing a border; the border crossed them. You want to talk about “invaders” to California, talk about the goddamn American prospectors and everyone else who followed

When you reach levels of racism that confuse the police you are on some next level hatred.

“Sir, you can’t be black over here.”

Bernie ain’t special. He’s a career politician, a wealthy white man who refused to release his tax returns and who’s wife received a nice golden parachute after financially crippling a small college with half-baked expansion plans.

How it should have ended.

This whole thing seems crazy. Everyone from the D.A. to the defense attorneys to the owner of the Patriots thinks Meek Mill should not be in jail, but this judge is having none of it.

“There must be more to the story. The teacher must have done something to deserve getting called nigger.”

Slap pregnant troop in face - Fine.
Kneel during a song - Destroying America.

It’s almost like there’s some sort of connection here... about a certain type of person... who doesn’t respect another, different type of person... But, I can’t figure it out.

No it is not a “strange” story. Miss me with that bullshit.

“I’m pregnant! Look at me, I’m pregnant! You’re pushing a pregnant lady!” Sharpe says in the video.

So, this is proof positive of how much bullshit “Support the Troops” is. These women are in uniform and it didn’t mean a goddamn thing to this unhinged banshee, because it’s not really about “supporting the troops,” it’s a weaponized saying used to intimidate people you see as outside the tribe.

“vernacular authenticity and rhythmic dynamism”