
Stand Your Ground makes no sense here.

I was hoping not to hear about this hopeless bag of clowntits until he was reported dead. Sure, this story is about him being a loser but it isn’t about his death.

Maybe it’s the combination of the shape of my glasses and mask, but I find if I tuck the top of my mask just under the rims of my glasses, I avoid the fog issue (weather aside, of course).

I feel you, I’ve been walking around supermarkets squinting at everything because my glasses fog up whenever I wear a mask.

I have found though that the trick of washing my glasses in soapy water then leaving a slight film of soap on when drying them, that does work pretty well.

Right or like shark fin soup or rhino horn stuff. What if they just want us for our feet ground up. That would be some degrading ass shit. We are really just so that aliens can get it up more. 

Now playing

well, maybe not in big sci fi movies, but:

Most alien invasion movies serve only to illustrate the extreme narcissism of human beings. There’s something deeply geocentric about them, like Earth is the most important thing in the universe. They’re always here for our minerals, or our water, or something like that, even though a civilization capable of FTL

Fascinating how quickly Twitter can act to block specific - dangerous even - speech/language when it wants to.

Since it would be wildly out of line for my white ass to call him any of those things, I’m just gonna call him Tom Scitt because switching letters in first and last names makes me giggle, because I am 7 years old.

b. I am purposefully trying to deescalate the situation. c. I am not trying to prove I am a badass.

It’s amazing the amount of latitude cops will give to white people they pull over as opposed to black people. The most recent example of the white person being treated well is the Kansas state representative driving drunk and endangering several people by driving into oncoming traffic. He was arrested and booked. And

He had an outstanding 20. I believe he was pulled over because he had air fresheners hanging from the mirror. None of this adds up to a shooting. For those that say he was fleeing, Tenn v. Garner states that it is a violation of the 4th Amendment to shoot a fleeing suspect unless the officer can prove that the suspect

anti-semitic, anti-BLM, anti-mask. she said Alderaan things.

Clap clap clap clap. Added that her character is one who fights fascists and racists.

Spot on.

She’s so fucking stupid and that bothers me. The racism also bothers me, but I expect that out of Trumpublicans by default.

Just before we have some of the usual ‘Cancel culture gone mad!’ comments, no, she is not being ‘cancelled’, she is facing the consequences of using a public platform, the internet equivalent of shouting out in the middle of the street, to make questionable comments, and Disney would rather not have to deal with it.

I guess Alaska is the right place to find a snowflake. White and melts easily.

Peak, peak, peak little dick energy right there