
Maybe because the lead actress who the show is named for spends her non-working hours spreading hateful lies about minorities and others, and is then congratulated by the President himself. Hard to avoid politics in this case.

Truck driver Jackie was my favorite. 

That line though.

Maybe Netflix will stop this once Kotaku and all other Kinja websites stop auto playing random video contents, such as Kotaku’s “Recent Video” segment, on the main website or embedded in the articles.

1,3,2,4,5 is the correct order. But to be fair. 5 doesnt deserve to even be on the list.

1) The cost to produce Justice League was estimated at 300 million dollars.

Fuck ‘em. They still gave their speeches.

Including the third guy who knew that they lost but still felt like he needed to say his piece.

The film exists as a vehicle for a white actor to take a lead role in a film about the Japanese Yakuza. Yes, he’s a caucasian character played by a caucasian actor, but his presence casts the Japanese as Others for him to appropriate and supersede. He even gets tattoos. It’s a power fantasy for the caucasian audience

so don’t pay for the service.

the service they’re offering is: you give us your data, we pay for you to see movies.

or did you think you were giving them 9.99 a month, to see unlimited movies, and that’s the end of it?

there is no movie pass without your data being the actual customer.

How exactly are you getting

That speech by Jordan is about the best acceptance speech I’ve ever heard at one of these awards clusterfucks - short, articulate, hit the important shit, skip the arrogance and jet.

A couple things:

This seems like a silly show to be getting into crazy fan theories about, but at the end of the first season, I’m left questioning whether or not Superion is really as great as society has made him out to be.

The Terror makes a comment about how he’s not trying to take over the world, but rather he’s trying to take it

For those who don’t want to support the pivot to video:

Aretha Franklin titled three of her albums Peter Gabriel?

Do they have a new verification process that sidesteps this drama? Seems they could just archive all the old scores ‘verified’ under the old process, call them “Legend Scores” or something equally fancy sounding, and then have the main records focused on and considered Verified. You can have a fancy name for the new

Gone Baby Gone is better than Argo or The Town. Fight me.

If my parents were tripping over millions, I would still have no desire to cross the Greenland ice caps. I would spend their money on fashion, fancy pets, and trying to become an actress.

It’d be great if they kept Massouma around as a regular character. I lost my shit when she pointed a shotgun at Steve Buscemi and calmly said, “Get out of my bodega, motherfucker.”