
And to further the problem, there are often multiple entities in the chain of hiring. Jon Stewart said his initial reaction when TDS was called out was to be defensive and refer to their blind submission process. Then he looked around his writer’s room and reconsidered. He realized at least one area was that they

Cookie Monster addressed that: instead of going out and hiring someone just because, you look at the hiring pool and stack there. If CEOs come from VPs you get more folks to VP, if VPs come from managers you get more managers and so on and so forth. Even the entry level is hard and gross (resumes thrown out because

And Rashida’s account shows that when they DO have women and POC with talent on-board, Disney/Pixar ends up alienating and ultimately losing them. It seems pretty clear the problem is the culture at the studio, not that there aren’t enough talented people who aren’t white cismen.

There’s no shortage of women’sor people of color who are capable of telling stories.

> So what if there isn’t a person of color or a woman good enough to do what they want?

I’m glad I’m gray on this site so I can point out that you’re full of shit, sour shit which has clearly filled you right to your fingertips, where it is spilling out onto your keys. Her longstanding working relationship with CK is clear, and clearly laid out in the article. The statement was released via their mutual

Hondo’s boss shoots an unarmed black kid and then loses his job? I didn’t realize this was a sci-fi show.

Episode 1: The SWAT Team tries to serve a warrant on a suspect who failed to appear in court on a simple marijuana possession charge. After knocking out a wall with their armored assault vehicle Hondo shoots all the family pets. It is later determined that the suspect hasn’t lived there in 8 months.

You could have just titled this “Tyrese Gibson quits Fast and Furious franchise”

It doesn’t matter. Just sayin’

Honestly, I thought then and have always thought The Phantom Menace was the best, or at least the most enjoyable, of the prequels. The Pod Race is super fun, and there’s the best light saber duel of any Star Wars movie thus far. Episode II is OK, but DAMMNNNN those Padme/Anakin scenes are absolutely the worst things

Liv eats a washed out former-(blonde)teen’s Private Eye brain who was a bit like a 21st century Nancy Drew but has now gone to the good place.

Laura is an interesting character and is carrying her own, pretty good, comic right now. If they can’t make an interesting movie about her, it’s not the character’s fault.

Ummmmmmm... No mention of this in the review which surprises me. Can we talk about Kara not just killing White Martians, but doing it very casually? They were the bad guys, yes. They’ve committed genocide, yes. But it’s still very, very weird to see Supergirl kill without giving it a second thought.

DNA is one of those things where Star Trek has absolutely no continuity. On one hand, ship’s sensors can detect life signs and identify the species. The transporters of course have extremely detailed information about the transported, and there’s some kind of analysis involved (they can detect and disable weapons, for

-The spore drive is well known. This is not some secret project that gets forgotten about because it was compartmentalized. Starfleet is attempting to mass produce it and the Klingons have figured out something is up and saw the ship jump. My guess is that, along with the eugenics restrictions and whatever the fuck

who are the “black media personalities” who are even shitting on eminem for appropriating black culture? Eminem hasnt been accused of that in like 20 years

I don’t think the same people making that critique are embracing him now.

I went to that site for the first time in over a decade the other day. Good lord, that layout has not changed since GWB was president. But, I will say this: They do still use Disqus.