
I think if he’s shown himself to be actually apologetic, doesn’t repeat the behavior, and made proper amends to his victim, he should be allowed to work wherever they’ll take him. So often we see people who are unrepentant and aren’t really sorry. This guy admitted the allegations were true and apologized publicly.

Birth Movies Death still uses Disqus.

Hey have you ever heard of 2001 a Space Odyssey?!? It’s really neat!!

I realize the viewership has shifted somewhat post-Kinja, but do we really think AV Clubbers need to be told to see Seven flipping Samurai, of all movies? Is this what we’ve been reduced to?

Almost a KINGS vibe. I enjoyed the David vs. GOLIATH metaphor (blowing up an enemy tank) in the first episode.

As a Black woman, I feel compelled to comment on the scene with Daniel. First, I’ve had many of the same conversations with my friends, that Issa and her girlfriends had about giving head, and I can relate. I can relate to women who have the stigma of being viewed as forever-a-hoe if they give head, and some women who

I guess it must be a straight-girl thing, but I could not figure out what Issa was so pissed off about. Daniel gave warning that it was about to happen and Issa didn’t get out of the way—it happens. I’ve never seen anyone get angry over a little “friendly fire” (and yes, I’ve been on the receiving end as well, and

GoT discussion is one of the things that made AV Club great. The pre-Kinja GoT reviews usually get 1000 posts within 12 hours. We aren’t even at 100 replies yet and this comment format is unnavigable. Good luck finding people to talk to when (if) those other 900 posts show up. (Yes, I’m aware of the Chrome

I listen to this while taking a shit

On the whole, The Defenders worked best when the characters were acknowledging their connections to one another. Luke and Jessica at the bar, Claire talking to Foggy about Matt, Matt and Elektra’s fight at the end were perfect example of that. The epilogues to the characters’ experiences were all pretty strong. The

Curiously, they are having this screening in Austin when all the clowns are actually in DC.

Reddit is really ugly, but it’s really functional. It’s easy to navigate threads with tens of thousands of comments, unlike this, which gets unwieldy beyond three.

I’m in IT and if I were responsible for sourcing and migrating to a new system that was literally a step back from the existing technology and riddled with issues post-migration, I’d be fired.

WHO THE FK CAN DISLIKE THIS I CAN THINK Of 3 I am not sure if I spell them correctly

Black people theorize conspiracies like “this”, White people theorize conspiracies like “This!”

Agree. Foggy giving matt his suit was less I accept you and more if you’re going to do heroin with your girlfriend at least use clean needles and condoms.

Friendly reminder that Kinja has destroyed this website.