
The “Pink Skin” vs Blue Skin Kree dynamic you mentioned is in the comics as well. I was happy to see it represented in the movie, but disappointed they didn’t go all the way and actually acknowledge in any plot way that dynamic.

Viceland is in DJ Akademik’s DMs like “wyd?

Really, did no one notice the (wonderful) moment where he’s looking out the window of the van to mirror him looking out the window of the space station from his reveal way back in Season 1 (2?)?

It’s all obnoxiously super targeted. I know friends who never heard of Altered Carbon, while I was bombarded with ads for it (I loved it and that genre but that’s beside the point here). I’m never surprised people miss out on some of their better Originals.

Beasts of No Nation, 13th, Okja, Mudbound but that’s just off the top.

The process was a bit confusing when it came time for that final step.

the sickest.


I knew of Killer Mike since A.D.I.D.A.S. (side bar: wow does Big Boi's verse not age well), and seen RTJ perform live but never thought to see if El-P had solo work. So thanks for that! Will check C4C out.

The Lebron Curse is born.

They can do all 3 at the same time even! Doesn't just need to be 1 at a time.

What do Instagram, the Ghost In The Shell movie, and (most likely) your high school history class all have in common? A propensity for whitewashing.

I think that ignores a lot of the things you can do visually in animation that you can't do live action. And also the basic artistry of animation that you lose in live action. I mean, yeah you COULD do Sailor Moon live action but it would look pretty dull visually by comparison.

Summer (Bran's Direwolf) is still alive out there somewhere.

Well when you spell her name out, it just seems kinda silly. "A Lie" is ridiculously on the nose.

Vague non-spoiler headline, GIANT spoiler image negating the precaution in the headline. GG.

I'm sure they did, but that's not really the problem. They still don't HAVE to give Spotify access to their music.

How little they get is irrelevant though since they agreed to it. And if they didn't then the Label would be at fault. But he's not up there complaining about his Label for making the deal. I still don't get it.

Complaining about Spotify is so weird. Spotify isn't forcing people to work with them. They do not have a stranglehold on the industry.