
I really like this and the rest of the current Jag fleet.

Not bad, but I'll take the Vanquish, thanks.

ew. grody.

One night in Bangkok and this guy thinks the world's his oyster?

I wouldn't risk doing that with a Pinto, given their spotty reputation. Or any car, for that matter.

You and me both, buddy

I agree, wholeheartedly. I just wondered if anyone shared my opinion.

Even as a male, I'll admit, that movie was pretty funny. It's a shame, indeed.

Raptor was first on my list.

I like all cars in this shot. [Okay, I'm cross about the Allanté and I don't know about that box van.

"Not as much as Nicolás Díaz and his co-pilot, you see."


Heartclick for that being my favorite gif in the world

Damn, that was a fantastic punch. I wonder, though, 1] why he did it, 2] why he didn't immediately take off [disoriented, i'd guess], 3] what the rescuer started to run toward [to get help?] and 4] who taught these people to run?

I think it's a pretty cool little thing. Rear seats may require disassembly of legs to fit, but that's fine with me. I'm piloting.

So, every current truck driver is a puss or a woman? Is that what you're trying to say? Also, I'm not thinking of too many day-to-day situations where you need to put your Scout or whatever it was that you own[ed?] against a tank. But what do I know? I'm just some city yuppie with air-conditioning.

You can flirt with Siri when you arrive. While I understand the growing 'need' for tech in cars, it seems like making the car a mobile phone, a wi-fi hotspot, Google, a facebook enabled machine is just dumb. I don't care if Gates or Jobs is running my car, I'd rather they didn't. I can do that stuff from the Macbook I


Well, they are both baked…