There’s a lesson here about our constant need for the next shiny new thing. Especially for us car enthusiasts.
Also, wow, Vettel is three years younger than Hamilton. Somehow I always think it’s the other way around.
They need Ricciardo and Ricciardo needs them. Old Danny’s got to know he’ll be #2, but a #2 Ferrari will always be preferable to a #1 Renault.
Fuck off with the transphobia
just get the big one
Wait, how much is it? I know if I have to ask... but I need to know what kind of scratch off ticket to get.
Can the potheads please cultivate a variety that DOESN’T fucking reek. Do what you want, but fuck man, you stink. Keep that shit to yourself.
Honda definitely made it look better. Fewer creases = substantially better.
It’s just a color name, and it’s a good color. The issues you bring up have merit generally, but you’re stretching in this case.
I would argue that in 2019 a vast portion of our population has bastardized words like “racist” to mean “lynching black people”, so people (e.g. Trump) can argue, “See, I’m not racist, I’m not lynching black people” while saying and doing some REALLY racist shit.
You’re right, the C5 hasn’t aged a day.
Yes they did with the FJ. The FJ could have sold so much better if it wasn’t for the quirky design and ridiculous door / half window setup. If Toyota had made the FJ more of a direct competitor to the Wrangler, we would still see new FJs today.
I believe 4Runners still do that, don't they?
Skyfall turned into a Home Alone sequel in the last half-hour
The title does remind me relatives are about to arrive for the holidays.