Thunder Fighter Pilot

See, this was a dark take on the DCU that is actually enjoyable. God damn was Injustice a fun fighting game.

I hope this news doesn’t result in another Sex and The City movie.

Came here for this. Leaving satisfied.

There it is.

An artist’s rendering of the surface:

Came here for this reference :) Leaving satisfied.

Do you want a giant alien gateway to the uncanny space behind space to drag itself from the ruined surface of Venus? ‘Cause this is how you get a giant alien gateway to the uncanny space behind space.

Def! Dude loves video games, Sony exec or not.

Mario Kart, which is basically just a port with a few new bells and whistles, won’t cause players to jump from Wii U to Switch. Splatoon 2 is still a relatively new IP and again won’t cause loyal nintendo fans to buy a Switch. So far only Zelda at release and Mario in the fall will attract many people. Why there is no

Come on now, the PS4 had Knack. Knack! And if Knack wasn’t an amazing game, would it have gotten a sequel? Didn’t think so! ;)

And yet this launch lineup is superior to the PS4's, and they’ve already got a better list of games lined up in the launch window than the PS4 did.

I think Zelda is a heavy hitter though, so I’m not concerned by it. Plus, when’s the last time a Nintendo console launched with more than one first party big game? The Wii was a huge success, but outside of Zelda TP wasn’t it a similarly weak launch lineup? And the following month you have Mario Kart, a couple months

Launching with a slew of their popular IP’s doesn’t make sense for a console launch in March (traditionally a time when people aren’t spending a lot of money and still in the throws of the Christmas hangover).

And let’s make our notoriously garbage-tier online service paid now!

thats just the known releases so far. now that the press embargo is gone, you’ll (hopefully, if the wii u hasnt damaged the relationships too far) start to see a bunch of 3rd party devs anouncing games

This schedule is the biggest reason I’m holding off on purchasing the Switch.

Wait, Shin Megami Tensei was obvious?

Not F-Zero.

Honestly...It’s been decades since I played Earthbound (haven’t touched it since the SNES), so I might as well be a guy who is starving in front of a McDonald’s; that shit is going to look good to me, regardless! ;)