Thunder Fighter Pilot
Mario Kart, which is basically just a port with a few new bells and whistles, won’t cause players to jump from Wii U to Switch. Splatoon 2 is still a relatively new IP and again won’t cause loyal nintendo fans to buy a Switch. So far only Zelda at release and Mario in the fall will attract many people. Why there is no

Lol! I know what you mean. Talking about it made me start a game last night.

Yeah, I see. Hopefully Nintendo will add some more advanced features to the Switch VC. Scanlines and filtering would be nice.

Earthbound would look better on the 3DS. Because of 1:1 pixel mapping. The Switch will (probably) be upscaled. SNES/NES games look phenomenal on 3DS.

I have Doom, the Arkham games, the Wolfenstein games, Uncharted(s), God of War, The Bioshocks, the CODs (don’t judge) etc. and the Last of Us. All digital. All of them are huge. I like switching between games, so having them all installed is nice. Plus re-downloading takes a while, so playing on a whim is out, if you

That version is still available, believe it or not. It didn’t get pulled for the new version.

Did they lower the game speed (and framerate) on purpose as a cheap and easy way to reduce the difficulty for touch controls?