That sounds like a terrible fucking 8 weeks for $25k and expensive at that for travel, especially when most of it sounds like it takes you through all the cheap eastern/central europe states as well...
That sounds like a terrible fucking 8 weeks for $25k and expensive at that for travel, especially when most of it sounds like it takes you through all the cheap eastern/central europe states as well...
The word to use is “complement”. Do you see how closely it resembles “complete”?
If there’s no terminal rust, that’s a “why the hell not?” price. Would be an excellent project car.
If someone thought deleting the mufflers was a good idea, it would make me wonder what other stupid modifications were done that aren’t mentioned. Thanks anyway. ND.
My New Year’s resolution is not to buy Florida Man’s bad decisions. ND.
I don’t come round these parts as often as before, but I do appreciate the effort you take to do this almost every day. It’s often very entertaining to read.
I’m just grateful it wasn’t a slideshow.
Splendid work Mr. E. Thank you.
That is the most ruined thing I have ever seen.
That’s no rock-hopper. That’s some concrete cowboy’s chrome plated cock extension.
Perhaps you should have not bought a 14 year old car that has had who know what done to it
Not for anything supposedly “special” about it, but for being a nicely kept runner, in this market–NP.
4000 bucks, credit card money, for a good enough Chevy that undoubtedly won’t kill your wallet when you need parts? Damn straight—NP.
Labor is a part of a companies overall expenses, but it should not be so much that a simple labor law would break the entire business model.
Missing from the narrative is that business owners would force workers to stay night and weekends, and laws and regulation is the only thing preventing that.
The idea behind a minimum wage when FDR instituted it was that anyone who worked 40 hours a week deserved to make enough to live on. It rewarded honest work with an honest paycheck. Telling someone to get a ‘real’ job is unhelpful and condescending, and demeans the work of millions. ‘Entry Level’ should not mean ‘Pover…
That he has no taste or creativity whatsoever?
and brought a wider appreciation for the unloved machines that ferried our grandparents through the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations.
Not bad coding, they just want to make sure the ads load so they get paid.