
Wasn't this the episode that had the shot of the sign saying, "Coming Soon: 9 Banks!"?

Although, the Russian Prime Minister would have Dmitry Medvedev!

I laughed so much at Miss Piggy shooting the fan and then Kermit's response. It was perfect all around. Miss Piggy and Kermit acted exactly as you would think and that kid's sadness and naïveté was hilarious.

Well, 15.3 million people watched, according to Nielsen. Should update the article!

I was really expecting something to come out of Pepe's birthday card look.

Don't Bring Me Down, ELO.

I'll show myself out for that one.

Fantastic Four? More like Fantastic Bore!

For me, almost every single ad is for Inside Out. Before that, it was the Surface. Haven't seen the one you're talking about though.

That whole bit about the same three ads is right on the nail. Every. Single. Time.

Large amounts of Splatoon this weekend.

Two thoughts- I thought the guy on crutches was using a selfie stick at first. Second, did the elevator scene remind anyone else of Captain America: The Winter Soldier?

Since we know Adam Goldberg reads this page, it would be really neat (or maybe its just me) if next season, a girl named Kathy moved in. cc: @willharrisinva:disqus

I just realized, the A in Avengers kind of looks like Hillary's H logo.

I greatly enjoyed this episode. To be honest, I cracked up at the First Black President line. The Switzerland line was also hilarious.

I quite enjoyed this documentary. One of my favorite video game docs.

Steve Holt!

You're not wrong!

Maybe "in show," he was referring to that. However, I think we can make the connection that this was a subtle reference on behalf of the writers.

The best part is when Abed mentions James Spader and then mumbles that he wishes he, Spader, would leave. Funny because The Blacklist holds Community's old timeslot.