
Although that seems that many writers get that wrong. I commonly hear the "And Jesus wept— for there were no more worlds to conquer."

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this song stuck in their head.

Did the old guy remind anyone else of the Will and Grace episode when Will starts going out with the old rich gay guy?

That is the answer to the question I posed.

So, what happens to Perd?

It's neat how this show's finale got government Twitter accounts active. The National Parks Service was in a tweet-frenzy yesterday.

No Avatar: the Last Airbender? Not to be rude to Adventure Time, but come on!

I have this strange feeling that in the finale, Andrew and Zelda will get engaged or at least not move their relationship out of the dating stage. The narrator says that they will "date" for five months and so on and the show has showed no indications of any kind of reason that they would break up or even show cracks

I like how Beverly's choice of Evvy references one of the first few episodes. In the tag, Barry describes his dream girl to Beverly and after she leaves, Erica says that Barry had just described their mom. So, Beverly has delivered with just what Barry asked! Quite the callback!

Easily the best NYE show.

I've grown, probably unhealthily, close to my Kirby amiibo. I raised him up to a level 50 in a few days while battling him against me as a Kirby. Now as he attempts to get me when I do four player Smashes, it is a strange feeling watching what I raised try to destroy me, oftentimes successfully. I even call him my son

"Shhhhhhalom is a word for peace." Best line of the episode.

Murrary yelling at his dad for taking off his pants ("It scares people!") was hilarious.

" We comedy."
"No Kenneth, it's 'We Peacock Comedy,' you pronounce the peacock."

Did anyone else realize the amount of time A and Z date was changed in the opening title sequence? Probably due to them now knowing how much longer they really have.

No text-based desktop game will top Bureaucracy.

I'm just glad they toned down on the whole 'Andrew and Diana will date for 8 months, two weeks, one hour…' description. It was way over-used on the pilot. Also, fits almost perfectly to the standard season schedule.

"My emotions!"

It just seems odd the look that she gave Tonraq. The music changed and it was different that the surrounding scene.