
Time for some game theory.

Do Agent Carter and Black Widow in the same movie and give it a Generations vibe.


As a Disney World nerd, I did find it a bit annoying how all the rides were seemingly lumped into Magic Kingdom. For instance, when the trio left Soarin', they were in New Fantasyland. Soarin' is in Epcot though.


I have heard that unfortunately. I have also seen a few reports that it may be moving to Freeform.

Well at least you're not snarky about it! Thanks for reading the replies.

Wonder what this means for Girl Meets World. Disney has a habit of getting their stars a new tv show and then canceling the first one. (ANT Farm and Jessie are two instances)

That makes sense and I saw that after I went into the comments a bit more.

I thought the Dave sitcom arc was alright, but I felt it just went on too long. I also appreciated the recurring Macaulay Culkin appearances.

That ad made no sense given the topic of the show. Also, the happy go-lucky music immediately following to plug the NBC app is unintentionally hilarious.

Looks like Phineas and Ferb.

It would be hard to say that this has all been part of his plan because of how he said, "Fine, I'll do it myself."

I did find You Can't Always Get What You Want to be an, um, interesting selection for after the nominee accepted his party's nomination.

Maybe blame it on the gas leak!

It was interesting. He didn't always seem at ease doing the riffing, but he was entirely comfortable being front of the live audience and fans.

I loved the show, especially Dates for Kay. Tempted to go see the re-broadcast just so I can watch it again!

Was quite concerned when I saw that the Star Trek movies were all leaving Netflix, but that they are just going to Hulu makes it a bit better.

That would make sense.

Read elsewhere online that the new Doctor Strange may have some horror elements. Dr. Strange is not the Marvel film to use the horror genre with. Dr. Strange would work better with the fantasy genre, obviously, but the horror genre would not work well. The tone of the comics is completely different from a horror