
No! I've been caught! Seriously, I'm not Wolf. But if I had a nickel for every time someone accused me of being him… I'd have many nickels.

Personally, I like that Zaheer lacks emotion. It adds a sense of mystique that he doesn't feel his actions, he is willing to cross the line because he doesn't care about the line. What annoys me is that they keep referring to the new Airbenders as the Air Nation. It's the Air Nomads!

Wolf Blitzer spent almost a month in Jerusalem. Good grief Hannity.

Toad for the Win!

Art Vandelay, importer/exporter.

The interesting thing is that according to Heroic Origins, the land Greendale is on is owned by an Indian tribe. Although that was the gas leak year…

Come on! They better not bring the Annie-Jeff-Britta triangle. Just get Britta and Jeff together already!

Yeah! AV Club reviews for the show are back, just in time for the season finale. Man, I hope there's a third season.

Come on, Toad is the best racer. Admit it.

I don't get why things are still called Eagleton. Eagleton doesn't exist, but there's an Eagleton Live.


But wasn't this room eventually turned into DJ's room?

Takeaway from this episode? Both life and char stink.

'I am the new Abed, I am the same as old Abed except for his emotional capabilities.'

When did Leslie quit her job as Parks and Rec.? When she was running for City Council, she said that she would stay at the department since city council was part-time.

'Friends don't track friends, Abed!'

Personally, I thought Abed's riff about special powers was one of the highlights yesterday.

I wonder if the minus grade was intentional.

There was another moment of continuity that hasn't been mentioned. Abed is revealed to be a programmer, which is a continuation from Digital Estate Planning. Abed is shown at the end to be able to program a terminal. Also, there was a cut scene where Abed shows off a video game that he programmed to Pierce. It's

I think Unalaq's power as a Dark Avatar may be overestimated. He would not be able to bend all four elements. Wan (and all future Avatars) is able to because of the Sea Turtles. I haven't seen anything to indicate a Sea Turtle-Unalaq meeting.