There’s no way this guy “got the point”...or will ever “get any points”, ever.
There’s no way this guy “got the point”...or will ever “get any points”, ever.
I hope your not arguing that sell-out DINOs who can’t even not confirm human garbage like Haspel would actually impeach Trump or Pence...for anything. It’s all Kabuki. They are all a part of the same millionaire’s war-profiteering social club.
Awww, are those tears I see, little Magat?
He should have knocked that fucking hat right off that fucker’s head.
Frfr > hydroxide
Come and listen to my story about a man named Jed
A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
Isis Isis baby (Vanilla)
con·cern troll
I think he was actually playing an old Looney Tunes riff and not Baby Elephant Walk. I do think it would have been even funnier (and cut deeper) if he had been playing Baby Elephant Walk, though.
cgist > wonderwoman
Bitch, you ain’t anything like mean yet.
Black cops and black real estate investors. Lord, what’s this world coming to?
I agree. The writing is terrible. This should have never even made it to production.
Shithawks are coming. They’re flying in low, swooping down, shitting on people, dragging them off to the big shit nest.
I prefer senators that don’t die of brain cancer.
Because anti-”libtard” tribalism is literally orders of magnitude more important than anything, ever. This includes family. They are psychotic and should be committed to a mental hospital.
This. He wasn’t explicitly a Gamer-gater or a SJW so he got toxicity from both sides. That’s my take, anyway.
Ugh.Katherine Krueger
chemiclord > Frankslaps porzilina