You continued to stalk me(still are) after I asked you nicely to stop, but I’m the bad guy because you faced consequences? OK.
You continued to stalk me(still are) after I asked you nicely to stop, but I’m the bad guy because you faced consequences? OK.
What’s the point of voting if the party only allows you to choose from people who represent the party’s interests instead of the community they are supposed to speak for.
Yeah, I’m not talking about the police bill, and neither was Emma. Bye.
Hey, I guess your google is broken because McConnell isn’t running this election.
Yes, the divisions in the black and latinx communities have been around for a long time and are a lengthy topic of discussion and ongoing debate.
I know! The democrats are the very definition of success. Forget that they’ve pretty much alienated anyone who will vote for them by refusing to even abide by their own charter and remain neutral in primaries (something even Perez said the DNC would do), and sticking with the same bag of bloodless, half-assed…
Who is the establishment to you? The CBC? Because that is who this article is complaining about supporting the guy in the picture you posted
Is that where you always go when you can’t find the lie?
Right. Dems just want to help white people, progressives are the real racists, etc.; such a stupid troupe.
Dems lost to this guy
Where have I supported the DNC getting involved in any primary for any candidate?
A black woman just won a primary in Georgia
How about staying out of it and letting voters decide?
It’s the circle of whites who seem to know that the only way to get out from this Donald Trump fuck storm is to cede
someany power to black and brown folks, but not so much that it’d challenge the priviledges they enjoy.
You confuse “the left” with “the Democrats”. The left has its own issues, I’m sure, but you’ve described the Democrats.
“Lastly, can we stop with the ethnic bean-counting? The goal here is to win elections and enact good policies. Not diversity for its own sake.”
So what? They’ll keep a few tokens around and continue with business as usual. What are you expecting? Representation?
That’s why Hillary lost. White voters lost interest in the party because Democrats would go out of their way to fight for trans rights but didn’t really do much at all to help blue collar white men or women. They came to feel that Democrats placed every group - Latinos, gays, blacks, illegal immigrants - above them.
Can the goddamn democrats go 48 hours without shooting themselves in the dick? My god. It’s a fucking clinic on how to alienate voters.