Don’t even take the time to crawl into a hole...just drop right where you are and die.
Don’t even take the time to crawl into a hole...just drop right where you are and die.
You can read? Well, la tee da! Must be nice living up there above all us plain folks.
Did he divide Black America, though? Not one person in my family, workplace, or extended social circle supported Cosby. Not one. I can’t say that there might not have been one or two (especially the older folks) that silently supported him after the very first allegation and just didn’t say so, but if they did, they…
Be careful with this. There are hundreds of stories out there of people who (claim that they) had their entire Amazon accounts completely closed just for asking for the free month of Prime for each time a package was late (essentially resulting in constantly free Prime if you order frequently enough).
Be careful with this. There are hundreds of stories out there of people who (claim that they) had their entire…
She’s obviously a replicant:
Counterpoint: Nope. The right has being trying to characterize (one might even say vilify) the left as weak, cowardly, emotional etc. for decades...
Really? I’ve always thought it was.
Ask your doctor if Nxivm is right for you...
I’m sorry. I completely missed the first 100 comments on this page. What were we talking about again? Emma Watson as a sex slave, was it?
ThirdAmendmentMan > GirlwithNoName64
He has the resume, but there’s no way in hell he would win a national election.
You don’t have to tell me. As a black man who supported Bernie Sanders I get this a double dose of this complete bullshit from the Hill Shills...and I actually held my nose and voted for the walking, talking garbage pile that was Clinton.
No Prunes? C’mon!
Or Q-Tip, Or Pos.
You overthinking this. West is a narcissistic sociopath with zero regard for anyone or anything but himself. The things he says and does are literally never more complicated than this.
No, she actually said: “Melania? What? No, we have all had recent checkups and if any of us had melania I am sure the doctors would have said something.”
Pleaz...bitch ain’t servin shit, let alone cookin anything...ever.
You know the police treated that racist Waffle House shooter with more respect and dignity than this black women who did nothing more than ask for information. Who do they think they are fooling?
Who is the white racist waitress who called the cops after being asked to get the manager’s info? I feel like a doxing is in order.