
As long as Duke is still alive it’s a garbage tournament. I am quite sure the refs won’t let them lose, though.

So, are we to understand then that Ford is too chickenshit to release a design that is a modern reimagining of the first gen Bronco?

There you go. You now have a apropos title for every Trump story ever, from now until he dies from Alzheimer’s a couple of years from now.

It’s a new era of “fake safety regulations”. I don’t like them, so they aren’t real.

Yeah, well that and the fact that almost nobody gives a flying fuck about anyone but themselves anymore. As long as somebody is gettin paid some more, cut whatever corners, you want, right?

O hai, gunfucker. I hope that you or someone close to you gets killed by their/your own gun.

Please die in a fire.

I’d prefer it if a house landed on him, honestly.

They don’t call it the ‘Great White North’ for nothin...I’ll show myself out...

It’s just a lone, isolated incident of mental illness, come on now!

Don’t coal none, won’t be none.

Actually, it’s not only in America, but yeah...try being a black backpacker in most European countries and you will see what I mean.

It’s for you.

Like not giving Delta jet fuel tax breaks in the first place?

VeitCecilia D’Anastasio

Shout out to 8 Bites. Definitely not a titty streamer.

Good point. You’ve sold me that Pewdiepie and Markiplier and titty streamers all suck.

Apples? Not melons? Come on!

T’Sla must evolve. It’s knowledge has reached the limits of this universe and it must evolve.