

Oh, 1976. I miss you.

Why some of his best son-in-laws are Jews, you know.


I think he would have already been sued if the vast majority of allegations in the book weren’t backed up by evidence and that the WH didn’t know there were.

Can we please just have them all shoot each other in a triangular murder chain?

9.3/10 troll.

‘The Botanist Islay Dry’ is fantastic.

Please. Manlier? This spaz will never be anything other than the no-talent, over-acting, 15-year old doofus on Nickelodeon

It’s also covered with those tiny little mouse poops. Seems like a pretty big oversight not to mention that.

Here is another great podcast by Trevor Beaulieu as long as we are throwing them out:

I’m sure she means that Dems registered dead people and illegal immigrants. Funny thing is that never happens anywhere. The only election rigging done in the US is done by wingnuts via polling place closings and movings, voter roll purging, and gerrymandering. These cognitive trainwrecks are once again projecting

I routinely (have for over 30 years) consume dairy products over a month past the date if they are still sealed and have always been refrigerated. If they are open, I usually go up to a week past. Never had any stomach or other digestion problems because of it. I mean, these use/sell by dates are ridiculously over

I wouldn’t sweat it too much. Jalopnik is always good for some alt-right, compensating shitlord leakage. Always has been.

It’s a “lie-in” because all these idiot teenaged libtards are liars. Amirite?

Oh...everyone survived? Disappointed.

I have enough animus for both.

An insult to drunk Holiday Inn lounge singers, everywhere! How dare you, sir.

Ooh ooh! Are we doing picture captions?!?

The funniest part about this Simpson’s clip is the five-day waiting period. As if...