
Give it up. The criteria are not what you want them to be to fit your agenda. Have them changed or shut the fuck up.

Whites win coin tosses more often than blacks.

Fuck him. The guy’s a piece of shit. His race has nothing to do with it.

I think Shani may have just made sure he won’t get the flag in the closing ceremonies either. But at least he let everyone know how dishonorable it is that he didn’t get it in the opening ceremony.

Didn’t you know? Many progressives are miserable hated-filled little worm-tongues. They don’t want to end oppression. They don’t want equality. They just want to be more important in the hierarchy of oppression so that they can shit on everyone else as payback.

This. ‘Corporatist D’ or ‘Corporatist R’ isn’t going to fly anymore.

Not only that, but anthropologists/biologists, when they talk about “pale skin arriving from the middle east 6000 years ago” are probably talking about skin tone/color more in line with today’s typical middle easterner and not the pale white, blue-eyed, blonde haired “aryan” features idealized by your typical white

Thank you, Nanook44. I was going to post something similar, but you did a much better job. I would only add, that thousands of years in the future (if we don’t end ourselves) all humans will likely all look similar again.

Jesus, Pelosi is such a piece of shit.

This guy is fucking terrible. How is he popular? Nice to see that like most other endeavors, Twitch/video streaming popularity apparently no actually connection to talent (it’s not nice to see, actually).

Fuck Amtrak. Fuck the USPS. Fuck the AMA. We need almost 1 trillion in defense spending to engage in bloody nation building across the globe.

I have always absolutely despised Tarantino. Overrated AS FUCK.

Your in Trump’s America now, son. Satire, facetiousness, sarcasm, hyperbole...all no longer definable. :-)

Hmmm. Interesting. I didn’t like either of those two coke ads, but the Gillian Anderson one was not nearly as bad as the Mango one.

I know you are being somewhat sarcastic, but I am pretty sure that worker and consumer rights will be going full contact sooner, rather than later. I guess we will have to wait and see about the mascot. Here is an idea, though:

My favorite part of the game? Gronkcucks crybaby face after not getting bailed out by the refs on that hail mary pass. So fucking delicious.

“Wat about those two touchdowns that shoulda been called back, kid?”

I don’t think women give Edith Ann Rubio erections, if you know what I mean.

Alternate take: anything less than riots for this monstrous cheeto-diarrhea would be undignified.