
I hope millions riot in the UK when he visits. And, while he is visiting, I hope that some poor, unhinged soul takes it upon themselves to solve the world’s Donny Trumplefuck problem, permanently.

Cuntiots lose! Cuntriots lose! Thank almighty God, Cuntriots lose!

Imagine if we could get people even a hundredth as excited as this about worker’s rights, unions, consumer protection, and universal healthcare.

Remember when the old adage “the inmates are running the asylum” was just hyperbole and not the literal truth?

You couldn’t comprehend how your own shit tastes even so far up your own ass, shill.

This. The only people happy with Kennedy’s response are the center-right, fake progressives that think that the Democratic party should belong to them.

LOL. I am over 50 years old and make north of 60k per year in LE. I just know human garbage when I see it. Enjoy what’s left of your shit-eating life, kid.

Feels like you have been ass-raped by corporations so hard your whole life that it has programmed you to think of them as your loving, doting boyfriend instead of your anal rapist.

Yes, yes, but you see, we live in a meritocracy, so these billionaires deserve their every excess. They deserve their 150 million dollar yachts, 20 million dollars homes, and to also hoard thousands of times more money than they or their descendants could ever spend in their lifetimes, if they even tried.

Hurr durr pa durr! Says the idiot who shits out the tired, old (and renderered completely meaningless by the low-info right) moniker “leftist”. Hypocrite much? You just lost about 95% of those bothering to even read your posts with this cretinism. Thumbs up, clown!

Funny? That was a terrible bit. Not funny in the slightest.

“Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!”

The sharpest genes! Transcription shredding genes!

Too bad they both didn’t actually die for our freedom.

To be fair, the comment was that Trump voters should be taken out and shot, not all Republicans.

You know what I see in that photo of Ryan, McConnell, and Schumer? Three soulless pieces of shit who joke with each other about the Kabuki theater they manufacture for all of us behind closed doors, who merrily exchange pleasantries over dinner and drinks after they have left the Senate for the day.

Dolezal! You fifteen minutes is up! Fuck off with this shit!

It means “we getting paid here!”