
Still whining? Let me try is hard to even begin to imagine the level of cognitive dissonance of someone so narcissistic that they talk up how great and powerful they are and how weak and inconsequential their attackers are while literally getting a severe beat down, but here you are.

strokes out and dies from his KFC/Coke overdose

Agreed. But on the other hand, I am for whoever can curbstomp the Cheeto stain in 2020. If that takes Oprah in this here United States of Idiocracy, then so be it.

I would call them “lucky”. Amazon’s success was not inevitable, and we do not live in a meritocracy, either. There is a baseline of hard work required for a business to be successful and after that, it is pretty much akin to a lottery, which ones succeed and which ones do not. Bezos and long term investors deserve no

Oh look, yet another libertarian stain on humanity. Guess what, toady? When you exploit governments to pass laws to financially exempt you from tax and regulation, and count on said governments to provide public assistance to provide food and medical subsidies that your employees can’t live without (exactly so you

Nope. Group B’s analysis is spot on. He has pegged Bezos and you throughout this thread. You are the one making laughable arguments and moving the goalposts and wasting everyone’s time. Cognitive dissonance much? You brainwashed, liberpretendertarian shitstain?

Can’t speak for Purdue, but Cotton is essentially evil. There is no doubt. Soulless, evil, garbage.