The Fire Inside

I don't get why people keep comparing him to Michael Vick. Did he come with distractions when he was released from jail? Yes, but he is a hell of a lot more valuable to a team than Michael Sam. Vick signed another $100+ million contract after jail. Michael Sam is a rookie who has to fight to make a team. The better

I read this whole article looking for the list. Damn you and your clickbait.

This is nothing. Maximum Dadness is achieved at the Antonio Cromartie household every other weekend and the occasional holiday.

Of course it's a modified boob joke. How else is he going to fit in in Florida?

"Coaches having to suffer through the embarrassment of wearing a knockoff watch puts going to bed hungry in perspective, doesn't it?" - Mark Emmert

NCAA: "This person is not going to be eligible to play collegiate baseball."

It's not the double-chinned jet fighter 'murica wanted, it was the one 'murica needed!

Aren't situations like this the reason that those personal quadcopter drones with GoPros attached to them exist? Why aren't we flying one of those things down there?


Right, but then there'll be White Widower, who'll be a mopey white dude and it'll even itself out.

That's neat, but I find it weird that both Cap and Thor are being altered to more "progressive" renditions - black and female. It may be a legitimate attempt to open up the Handsome White Male Club that is the comic book scene (and Avengers specifically), but this comes off as cheap and not genuine.

Tony Stark realizes his alcoholism stems from the lifelong frustration of being trapped in the wrong gender.

Falcon is one of the first black superheroes to rise to prominence in comics. He had his own identity, his own history, and more importantly was his own hero. By making him the new Captain America they are negating that. They are overshadowing his accomplishments as a original black hero. Now in pop culture he just

"younger audience"

The most ridiculous thing about the lesser, Nike-approved version of this advertisement was that it had Spike Lee, Rudy Giuliani, Jay-Z, and Billy Crystal all doffing their caps in addition to the usual assortment of zany yet resolute and stoic blue-collar New Yorkers, suggesting that even to our most sophisticated

If this is the honest version then why is Michael Jordan tipping?

when syria or iraq kills 100 people a day nobody cares even it goes on for years


That's gonna snap if he puts too much weight on it.