Sorry, man. You’re just wrong.
Sorry, man. You’re just wrong.
A few things:
Pure speculation here. Child Protective Services can act very quickly to remove a child from a home. That "temporary" removal then gets investigated and adjudicated in court. The police likely had to investigate and interview everyone at the party, which takes time. Once they gathered all the evidence they made the…
So wait, authorities must have already known about this party because it "caused her to lose custody of her five children." Why wasn't she arrested then and there?
That's another funny part of this. From he Clarion Ledger:
King has somehow managed to cross from being a reporter to a PR flack without ever losing the media credentials declaring him to be the former.
Hey telephones are a proud, courageous people who were here a long time before the internet took their land. We should celebrate them by misconstruing what words mean.
This is actually a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is pretty impressive.
Probably because he wasn't actually joking with the "they're".
I just said I found it funny, I'm not sure why you're so defensive.
I find it funny when people deride other people's education but make elementary school level spelling mistakes.
If you're looking for information on how to commit adultery then I'm your guy.
That's fair. I would argue that the things that the game allows you to do (namely have a unicorn orgy around a giant 10 foot phallus) colors my interpretation of it.
Second Life is the weirdest.
"But I did realize one thing: these "social experiment" clips have to stop before someone gets hurt."
I think Schefter's argument is much stronger than McHenry's. He may have been done in by a bad headline, but that's not necessarily his fault.
At least he's not wearing #59. Now THAT would be awkward.
Unlike the last guy who went to sleep in the Arrowhead parking lot, this guy's going to wake up.
Judging from the video, it appears there was no resolution.
I'm not surprised that a couple of guys who are into fantasy sports also enjoy pretending to fight each other.