Are you the fat R.E.M.F. second from right?
Are you the fat R.E.M.F. second from right?
So you are a douche who thinks just because you served you are entitled to to whatever you want and everyone should kiss your feet. You have received far more than WW1 vets ever did. Stop being a dipshit and making the rest of us look bad. And read a fucking history book, while you are it.
There's a guy walking right next to her. Based on your defense, why not level him? Not trolling here, just wondering what the reason for decking a little girl and not the guy who is also walking toward police officers with their backs turned?
At least you get that you're the only one defending your position.
Good for you, asshole. You accomplished a lot.
Man, this is really a big deal to you. What is this, like 10 defensive posts? You used awesomely cool military/cop speak and we even got to see a picture of you in the military. And you weren't wearing your rank or a hat! Have you considered writing a memoir? I'm sure it would be fascinating.
Dude-any time you have to bust out your war stories or pics of you wearing the uniform to support your position you've lost the argument. Love, OEF/OIF vet
Holy shit, you're an asshole. You think you can tell from that video that girl "only wanted to antagonize and provoke a response"? People like you that defend appalling behavior like what that chickenshit cop did are the same people that beat your girlfriends and claim they had it coming.
You can't beat white people.
Are you serious? Jesus Christ. You're actually finding ways to defend this? There's always gotta be one, doesn't there? Move to Saudi Arabia, dork.
Sounds like someone has too much free time on their hands at their security job. Don't worry, one day you'll have your opportunity to be that guy with ALL THAT POWER. You will get to tackle all the girls that might be walking behind someone else.
I'm not sure why cops would expect help. They'll ask you for help today. Tomorrow they'll bust in your door in a no-knock SWAT raid, shoot your dogs, terrify you and your kids (if they don't kill you), and it'll turn out they had the wrong house and were serving a warrant for parking tickets or some other bullshit.
More like you have this strange ability to look at people in riot gear, assume they are always right, and seek to serve them.
Well he did a really shit job of taking out Mr.Ole Ole walking right next to her. But hey, that 100 lb coed, slowly walking down a sidewalk had it coming.
I get the sense from these posts that this girl intimidates you.
What is this, Jezebel? Headline should have read:
It appears that said cop was providing the rear security for the main force. The last thing you want be is "that guy" who let some jag off come up on your buddies six. A little aggressive? Sure, but don't try and walk up behind cops in the middle of a frickin riot. There is an escalation of force that cops have to…
I'm sure this discussion will be constructive.