The Fire Inside

"I find it amusing that you think enormous insurance companies do not benefit from federal subsidies."

Here's the most recent CBO report I can find (2014-2024 budget projections, February 2014):

"See, that's precisely what you didn't say."


Here's LeMay's obituary as it appeared in the New York Times.

"I have no idea who that is and don't care. I'm talking to you about you so I'm not going to allow the conversation to be deflected to someone else."

"How on god's green pubis does this article support your contention that the ACA will lead to Death Panels?"

You asked: "How does the cock of authority taste, dear?"

"I don't think that Saudi Arabia is anywhere near the brink of revolution, but I'd go for Qatar or the UAE as well."

Agreed that Qatar's 'coming out' party in the form of World Cup preparations is, thus far, a complete disaster in regard to nations seeking legitimacy in the Western system.

I don't know if you read the New York Times and more specifically, its "Economix" section. Anyway, here's a professor laying out why single-payer is a better option than the Affordable Care Act.

You're really incapable of looking beyond the Affordable Care Act, aren't you?

Here, I'll even help you. (And as you can see, it's that statist rag the Guardian.)

You do realize Japan's finance minister actually said that January 2013 - that being the elderly needed to "hurry up and die" - and that President Obama has held up Japan as being a health care model the United States needs to emulate, correct?

"Of course she doesn't know anything about buffer zones and riot protocol."

Apologies for not being clear enough. I made the assumption you would be able to make the transition from me writing a quip about preferring Qatar to then making another about the Saudi royal family.

You need to look a little further down the road.

Yes, because this is just your typical Sunday afternoon...

Much more than someone who thinks freedom is forcing everyone into the most poorly thought-out socialized health care scheme in a while.

It's called pragmatism.