The Fire Inside

How is the job not accomplished?

No idea.


Which is fine.

You mean the part where if I showed up with a bunch of U.S. dollars, I'd be just fine?

So if you think I am giving the military a bad name, I can't even begin to imagine what you think about Curtis LeMay.

Notice how when we firebombed people, we won our wars?

To quote the former sheriff of Alameda County (CA) and his only regret in law enforcement:

I'll agree it was petty of me, but the guy just left it up there for me.

What's your point? That it's never acceptable to body-check someone?

Can you read? I was responding to Lobomobile and it had nothing to do with credibility.

And I accept your point. I simply disagree a body-check is over the top or excessive, in large part because very few would be saying that if it were you or me on the receiving end.

Nothing else to do. I picked up MGS5: GZ last night, only to discover that it isn't a full game but rather a prologue MGS5. Played through the main part and one side mission, got on Deadspin, and watched this video.

And soldiers don't go to boot camp, by the way. (I swear, if someone points out the Army capitalizes the word "soldier" I will bang my head against the wall. Capitalizing the word "soldier" and "families" was one of the more annoying parts of reading any piece of Army 'literature'.)

Who is fighting? I even stated why the guy's comment irked me, but I guess fuck the security guards of the world, right?

I can never argue with a South Park reference.

I like it! Usually the messages I get on XBox Live just tell me I'm an asshole, though one guy did offer the advice that I should kill myself.

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Here's another from Albuquerque. Pause at the :07 mark and you can see... An officer pushing a male away to create space between the civilian and the group of officers!

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This video is from protests in Seattle in 2013. Pause at the :06 mark and look behind the police formation.

"Just to let you know, the Tucson police department is investigating this incident."