Fire up the crusty engine
Fire up the crusty engine
Yes, power steering exists for a reason. Several, actually. The primary reasons are increased weight and wider tires, both of which increase steering effort, particularly at low speeds. Of the cars I owned in the first ten years of having my license, probably 15-20% of them had power steering. Most (two Rabbit…
The guy I bought my DS19 from had a Djet. Beautiful car.
My mama always said, "If you can't find anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Keeping in mind, this is how I feel about the new CTS:
Right you are, and bad word choice on my part. I should have said "Heathkit-look interior bits" (or maybe Radio Shack would have been more on the money?).
The people who complain that an "exotic" car shouldn't source switchgear from other manufacturers (who have multi-million dollar budgets to make sure this stuff is reliable and aesthetically pleasing) might want to go sit in a '70s or '80s Lotus with its Heathkit-grade interior bits and reconsider whether…
Thanks. Just doing my bit to Keep Detroit Weird (and stupid).
Thank you for writing something far more insightful and intelligent than most of the ruin-tripe on here. And that includes the LeDuff excerpt.
Hey, man—I'm a lifelong resident of the Detroit area and I'd like to see an economic recovery here as much as (probably more than) the next guy. Maybe I'm onto something here???
I guess all that's left to do is turn Detroit into a giant apocalyptic theme park and start charging admission to all the ruin-porn jagoffs who get off on this shit.
Ding ding ding! Methinks you nailed it on the head, son.
Looks like Breadfan was the B-side for Eye of the Beholder, while The Prince was the B-side for One. Wish I'd kept those cassettes (but glad I held onto my Creeping Death 12-inch on red vinyl!).
I had "Cassingles" (remember those?) of both of those tracks. Like you, hearing one always reminds me of the other. I'll bet they were both recorded during the Garage Days sessions and just used later, because the production sounds nothing like the Justice recordings.
Correction, just realized that Breadfan was a b-side to one of the singles from And Justice for All. It just *sounds* like it came from the Garage Days sessions...
Nice choice. "Garage Days" was the best post-Burton album and Breadfan was probably the strongest track on it.
Really? I work a couple of blocks away from their current location and I typically park right across from that building and walk from there. I have never once felt in any danger.
The current location isn't really on the "outskirts." But going by the accompanying picture, you'd also think the News and Freep were located in the Fisher Building.
Given your apparent unfamiliarity with Detroit, I think what you really meant to say is that they're moving from downtown Detroit to somewhere else in downtown Detroit?