So tired of the Ford truck fanboys vs. the Chevy truck fanboys vs. the Dodge/Ram truck fanboys. I'm going to go buy myself a damned Mahindra and put a sticker of Calvin pissing on everything in the back window.
So tired of the Ford truck fanboys vs. the Chevy truck fanboys vs. the Dodge/Ram truck fanboys. I'm going to go buy myself a damned Mahindra and put a sticker of Calvin pissing on everything in the back window.
Call me skeptical, but where is this alleged cease-and-desist letter from Ford? Has anyone reporting on this actually seen it, or is everybody just reporting rumors?
I have a similar story about my parents' VW Dasher (though it involves considerably less danger!). Also about 5 years old and I'm already fascinated by cars. My parents have given me a couple of the old pretend-dashboard toys (which consisted, basically, of a plastic "dashboard" with some gauges, a steering wheel,…
If my numbers are correct, even the most powerful mass-produced FD RX-7 only had 217 lb-ft of torque.
Maybe not, but a T-5 could at least handle a malaisey 350 with relative ease. I don't know of a Mazda box that I would trust to do the same—bear in mind that the most performance-oriented Mazdas (the Miata, the RX-7 and RX-8) were never torquey.
Yeah, I know. It seems way too improbable—why go to all of the trouble to adapt a transmission that is probably rated for less than 200 lb-ft of torque? IIRC, my 1st-gen RX-7 gearbox had an integral bellhousing (i.e., not removable). Not sure about later trannies.
Beat me to it!
That sound...
I knew going in that I was going to regret spending 2 or 3 minutes of my life reading this, so I guess I got what I deserved. That being said, Messrs. Loh, Baruth, and Hardigree can redeem themselves by organizing a LARPing field trip at some mutually agreed-upon, central location. I, for one, would feel much better…
I can't think of a 5-speed from *any* Mazda that would be a good idea to put behind a SBC. With the dime-a-dozen availability of T-5s, all I can say is WHY????
You're mixing up the events here (though Jalopnik's article may be guilty of the same error). The EPA revised its test methods, which are applicable to all cars, effective 2008. This resulted in a drop in window-sticker mileage estimates on *all* cars, effective 2008, including the Civic Hybrid.
Just trying to balance out the crap posts I anticipate making tomorrow.
"So based merely on Honda's statements and official government pronouncements, the Honda Civic Hybrid does not live up to the performance promised at the time it was sold. . . . And therefore, people who bought one thing and paid a certain price, and instead got something of lower quality, are entitled to seek…
I was in Troy when I first noticed the complete lack of color anywhere, and it continued as I headed north past Square Lake and through Auburn Hills. It was weird, because when it's a nice summer day, Troy isn't that drab (I mean, there's grass and trees and shiny buildings and whatnot), but boy was it just…
That harness is way too loose, which isn't helping her any.
Fantastic question—this very thing was on my mind during a commute not long ago. I was driving home from work a couple of weeks ago, it was snowing, the sky was grey, as was the landscape. I looked at the cars around me on the road and thought to myself that what I was seeing around me would look no different if…
Yeah, it was unnecessary. That being said, I'd say all of the women have aged well except Britt Ekland, and only because she went waaay overboard with the plastic surgery.
Mon Dieu! I want every car on this list (although if I were to arrange this list in order of my own preferences, the Bugatti would be near the bottom, perhaps even behind the Avantime). The Simca in my garage is getting jealous.