
Look, it doesn’t matter who I killed, just that you remember I killed them bestly.

But I respect the fact that he always listens. It’s how he was in business. It’s how he is as president.

She’s a weasel.

By Grabthar’s hammer, what a shithead.

I suppose I should be surprised that this dude thinks biological isolationism is even possible in a nation with near 400million people. After all he’s part of the same group that thinks a wall across our southern border is a solid option for stopping people from coming in, in a world where we have planes and boats and

It’s good that SNL has finally stopped pulling the punches with Ivanka. She’s playing such an active role in the Presidency that she is totally fair game.

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.

The American right spent 40 years courting and nurturing hate and divisiveness and now their next gen stars are scaring even them. It’s rather entertaining to watch Republicans now, like alligators eating their own spawn.

He knows how he comes off, but he believes that *most* people are far beneath his own intellectual, physical and emotional capabilities. He believes he has a superior read on things. And in his world view, being what *we* call “douchtastic,” is a good thing because he equates our view of him that way as indicating

I know. This didn’t even enrage me. I just thought: well, they finally said it out loud.

And there it is.

This is so deliciously good.

The Today Show this morning had Nicole Wallace return to Erie PA which had voted Democrat for the past 50 years, and went for Trump. And those folks were doubling down on their support, though a couple of them said that they wished he tone down the ancillary pontificating. The one woman wanted the borders closed to

Because white men are deeply fearful to the very core of their being of being treated the way they hate treated non-whites and women for the past 500 years.

As much as they deny history and try to ignore it, they know it.

They appreciate it. As someone who pays her bills through an ACLU salary, I thank you all deeply. The ACLU is very good people and they are going to be tireless the next 4 years.

Mayors should be clear. If Trump attacks their city and threatens to strike federal funds for protecting their own citizens, then the city will not provide any form of police protection for a Trump visit. After all, they need to save that money now.

Mayor de Blasio decried the executive order as “immoral” and vowed to fight the President tooth and nail.

That is all

This is a crazy time stream we’re in. I wonder what’s happening in the reality that has Hillary as POTUS.