I don’t get it. I’m just totally speechless.
I don’t get it. I’m just totally speechless.
i knew that he wouldn’t do it, because he said that he would.
How nice would it have been to have woken up today with an alternative President instead?
He recognises Trump is a problem. But, as an aside, he’s pointing out that this question isn’t directly relevant to him, and that’s true. Lots of American celebs live and work part of the time in the UK — wouldn’t it seem bizarre if a British paper asked them what action they were going to take against the government?…
In Roe v. Wade, the Court established a right of personal privacy protected by the due process clause that includes the right of a woman to determine whether or not to bear a child.
Autonomy over one’s own body is a right.
I’m not sure what you mean. I’m just saying Trump doesn’t strike me as a trickle-down conservative so no reason for him to support this. Trump is not as conservative on economic issues as other Republicans so he knows repealing the ACA will make a huge mess and the fact that the press won’t report on all the poor…
I think Trump knows that his base doesn’t really want an end to the ACA so he’ll make a huge splash by vetoing the repeal. Trump has a golden opportunity here to stand up to Congress and he bladder take it.
Agree. Which is why I oppose headscarf bans. Burqas are different though... Even in the Muslim world only women who live in horrible Islamist dictatorships like the Taliban actually wear them. And usually because they don’t have a choice. They are absolutely not the same as headscarves.
“Health officials have clarified that miscarriages and abortions that occur at home will not be subject to these new disposal requirements. Moreover, birth and death certificates will not be required.”
Holtzclaw previously suggested to ABC that all the women he raped are just saying that for money.
This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck…
It’s not something you need forgiveness for.
So if someone isn’t quite as much of a total and complete asshole to you today as they were yesterday, you should thank them?
Disagree. His tweets need to be posted on billboards next to major highways so that Trump voters are reminded daily on the way to work and back just what they have fucking done.
Trump promised to appoint judges who would overturn the gay marriage decision, plus the RNC platform is the most anti-LGBT platform ever crafted on a major party, I believe. (In it, they want gay marriage repealed, they say children should be raised by heterosexual parents, it’s totally cool to send your kid to…
Your valid point does not contradict my point. It goes to show just how low Trump has dragged down the standards for running for President. Sad, isn’t it.
A virus hit my spine back a few years ago. Lots of tests and whatnot for me too. I’ll keep my Canuck healthcare too!
Is anybody else drinking A LOT more than usual these days?