Trump is an asshole scam artist, but I honestly don’t give a shit if these people get paid or not because they chose to perform for the benefit of an odious slimeball.
Trump is an asshole scam artist, but I honestly don’t give a shit if these people get paid or not because they chose to perform for the benefit of an odious slimeball.
He could’ve been Mayor of New York. Very easily, in fact. But dick pics were more important. And now he’s lost an amazing woman, and his son’s life will be impacted forever. Because dick pics were more important.
This... this is some hot garbage, mate.
Headlines are often written with a really low reading level (not always intentionally) so it was nice to learn a new word. Had to Google “excoriating"
I bet a sharp lawyer could argue he didn’t pay the settlement, and he could end up paying twice- technically, he still hasn’t paid her per the court order. I can't owe my friend money and just give it to the food bank instead.
he was doing a standard retard, waving his arms and sounding stupid
Fuck Mike Pence.
A large portion of White Americans loves being told that they live in a hellhole and they’re being brutally oppressed and that their problems are because of some great big Other who’s been hurting them for so long. And I think they come at that from two positions. First, the rural white, who genuinely was ignored and…
If Donald Trump wants to make the city streets safer, he and Dr. Carson should stay off of them.
Pretty sure this “appeal to black voters” is nothing of the kind. The whole message is packaged for racist whites who don’t want to think of themselves as racist.
“Donald overrode the P.R. people. He wouldn’t take any advice and he wouldn’t shut up.”
Can’t speak for Jujy but I certainly do. Bill is charming, intelligent, a great conversationalist, funny and appreciative of humor in others, loyal though not faithful (they are different things), well informed, fascinated by other people, and not least, always looks nicely groomed and as if he probably smells good.…
Always gross, but we all know Johnny Depps from our late teens and early twenties. Aloof, mysterious guy with greasy hair, always up for an interesting time (at least superficially, whole lotta mess if you go into deep personal topics) who just doesn’t care about the mainstream bullshit. Maybe he majors in [select…
The thing is, she’s not anti-vacc, she just panders to anti-vacc people. And then refuses to admit there's a distinction and how dare you suggest she opposes vaccinations.
My thoughts as well. It’s like, let me get this straight; in order to prevent a patriarchal system from dictating what women can wear, you’re dictating and enforcing what women can wear, through the patriarchal system of law? There’s absolutely nothing feminist about this. It’s harassment and persecution from the…
This is so utterly ridiculous. Yet again women are being forced to shoulder the blame for a culture’s fear and ignorance.
Donald hires people who are unqualified to work at that level
Yeah, but before Omarosa stepped in, that support was only at 1.38%
Is that what African-Americans are after? Get this black guy out of the office and replace him with a racist white man you have to “bow down” to? Thanks Omarosa. I must be out of touch.