
And how poverty and a lack of education can turn people into fodder for the prison industry, which is why the last thing conservatives and prison profiteers want to see is expansion and funding of public education. The idea of the masses being taught what their rights actually is terrifying to their bottom line.

Block that dumb-ass.

From the cops who coerced a false confession out of a vulnerable teen, to the shady lawyer who threw him under the bus, to the private investigator who helped the state double-down on the false confession - he was let down by the system every step of the way. Hope he can sue the pants off everyone who facilitated

Whoa. I really did not think this would happen. I hope he can build a life for himself surrounded by supportive people who can try to help him move past this as best he can. And I hope when he sues he gets a shit ton of money.

I would like to print out multiple copies of this report, roll it into a tube, and smack it across Rick Perry’s face while shouting “BAD PERSON! BAD. PERSON!”

The Secret Service...had to protect a reporter...FROM A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND HIS CROWD. I just....

So basically you are regretting the “good old times” when you could fuck a drunk girl at a party and get away with it because everyone “understood” that she had it coming? Do you also regret the times when you could feel up a girl dressed like a slut without her raising a fuss?

you just put on a “i am an acquaintance rapist” sign: you know that, right?

“OH yeah, $0.00 since you’re pro-birth. Fuck ‘em once they’re born.” Except he’d fuck ‘em even before they’re born, because he’d deny the mother healthcare, which means he’d deny the precious life he’s so on the side of. Because that’s communist shit, and he’s not about that.

The problem is, he doesn’t say he’s anti-abortion, he says he’s pro-life. But then he’s in support of the death penalty. So he clearly does not stick to his convictions and is inconsistent on the matter of whether “life” is to be protected at all costs.

Easy for him to say. He won’t be the one going through the heartbreak of having a child with microcephaly.

“If I’m going to err, I’m going to err on the side of life,” he said.

I’m guessing he’s going to err on the side of life, but not err on the side of making sure women who are forced to have babies with birth defects are then provided with the medical and financial resources necessary to care for a child with life-long special needs.

After the clip I saw recently where, since the late 80s or so, she’s been asked this question or something similar, over and over and over, I really admire both her tenacity and her thick skin. I would not be able to deal with that dumbass questioned (asked at least twice by Barbara Walters) again and again.

YES! I mean all the people who dislike her for lying? Have they heard Trump at all? How is it that he can get away with blatantly making shit up, but she is more unlikeable because of it? I think all the people quoted in the article who say they don’t hate her because she is a woman are kidding themselves...

If she’s really dim, make sure she knows that Election Day was moved to the first Wednesday of November. Tell her it was one of Obama’s hundreds Executive Orders, she’ll accept that as fact.

Obama not only predicted this - he predicted it in JANUARY when he announced it and the debt is over FORTY years old. It and the prisoner release was part of ongoing diplomatic negotiations. And it was cash because there are still sanctions and no banking relationship between the two nations. There are also still

It was so frustrating to watch him lie his wig off for months on end and nobody would call him on it. The media really fell down on the job there for a long time.

Great. Now maybe they could talk with the hundreds of other lies he’s told.

It’s nice to see the media actually call him out on his lies.