In true TVR form, it was meant as a metaphor for their 2018 Le Mans entry:
In true TVR form, it was meant as a metaphor for their 2018 Le Mans entry:
When you think of Mercedes-Benz, you think of many things. Luxury. Opulence. Stateliness. Power. Probably the best…
Of course the Alfa gets five stars. Can’t get into accidents when it’s in the shop.
These tests do not accurately reflect the real-world usage of an Alfa-Romeo. A rear-impact from the breakdown lane is by-far the most likely crash for a Giulia owner.
Sssshhhhhh you’re making too much sense
This was the most English comment I’ve ever read.
I’m so relieved we finally solved our drugs, terrorism and human trafficking problems so that law enforcement can focus on the things that really matter.
Liberal nazi black communist athiest socialist muslin
I’m sure she’s been dragged around the block a few times.
Too bad it wasn’t you she was married to.
Found the lonely unmarried bastard.
Actually I’m well over my quota for the week, but I figured this would be a fun little post for the weekend. Sorry you had to suffer through it.
Hahahaha, in what world is Obama closer to Russia than Trump? Obama and Putin were icy at best whereas Trump is acting like his cheerleader.
Do people still send the old school death threats through mail or is it mostly email and texts these days? Something charming about receiving a letter with type face cut out of various news and magazine clippings detailing the horrific demise I’m about to face.
They’re traveling for free on a employee pass... There’s different standards when you get it free from the an employee (which then you do represent the company even if you don’t know it) rather than when you paid for your seat.
You're on an off-shoot of Jalopnik. Does every Car & Driver you open explain internal combustion before the Table of Contents? I'm sorry, but sometimes in life you enter a conversation in which everything cannot be understood. Congrats, you've encountered one of the great benefits of reading: the impulse to read…
GOOGLE IT, YOU BIG BABY. Honda Grom Top Speed brings up your answer, the very first result. Did your inability to understand how ships float ruin Moby Dick?