L'imported from L'Korea!
L'imported from L'Korea!
Waiting for Caddy to get back to the GM reality so they can finally just release Another Cruze Sedan... or ACS.
"Please, ignore that archaic, non-electric blue car at the Ford booth."
was hoping that would be vodka in the cup holder
Just needs one more thing: Horrible, confusing botched multimillion dollar advertising campaign.
the drugged out Audi driver must not have made a gesture towards a gun if he's still alive.
do rear decklids have to be pedestrian safe also? we're always hearing about people being run over by backwards cars after all.
I wish I had money.
id be pissed at the shop for leaving my NSX right in front of the dyno.
if he can afford to pay 10,000 over sticker on an RC-F, then I don't feel so bad
that must be a pricey ATV!
I never understood how toyota let that design go to production.
I've been eyeing the later 2005-07 gransports and I think those are a far better expression and more complete execution of the Maserati-ness of this model. they are hovering around the low $40k mark for ~20k mile examples in excellent condition. Might not seem like it now but I really think the gransports (especially…
she was as dumb as the ducks.
great car, moron of a seller.
Are they going to have chumbawamba performing at the reveal since we're on the topic of relevance?
So when is Volvo planning to announce its joint venture with PETA and Tim Robbins/Susan Sarandon?