Textured Soy Protein

um, do you mean you sd card? verizon phones dont use sim cards, except for 4g but that is only data right now, they wont start volte till next year.

Patience really does turn out to be a virtue—I went with Virgin and a middling LG Optimus Elite until the HTC One came out...a phone that caught my fancy. Yeah, I'm in a 2 year contract—but I waited about a year until something came out that really interested me.

Is Stance over? Please tell me Stance is over. No? It's not over yet? Crap....

I think most of them are alcohol-filled now, instead of mercury. Probably not the delicious kind of alcohol, especially if you're mixing it with boiling oil & bits of broken glass, but at least you won't end up with more of a toxic waste site than your kitchen likely already is.

That's what all the slasher movie villains say. :|