Textured Soy Protein

Yes, because it is important for young LGBT people to grow up seeing represention.

Every time we encounter a turtle on the road, we pull over and pick it up so it won’t get hurt.

This is very trivial of me, but I thought it was funny that the photo captured the vfx crew forgetting to “glow up” Michael’s left hand in the reflection.

One weird thing is that Ryn keeps talking about his antennae like they’re gone forever, but it’s been established since at least Enterprise that they grow back in a few months. Sure, his could have been cauterized or whatever to prevent that, but it sure hasn’t been made clear.

I hate that it’s always the responsibility of the Democratic Party to meet the Republicans in the “middle” but there’s never any expectation of the Republicans to act like adults and do their jobs. It’s not reactionary. They fucked this up and were loud about it. There’s no “civility” to be had

No, you should gloat.

Mazda could use the MPS name they used in Europe. For example, the Mazdaspeed 3 was called Mazda3 MPS in Europe

Ima gonna go out on a limb here and predict your Irritation Factor will be High.

Am I the only one that sees a little bit of the Porsche 928 in the rear? It’s almost like some retro-futuristic Macan from another dimension.

It took a while when I was young, but I eventually noticed that the best recipes have you add garlic after sweating your onions/mirepoix. It gives the garlic a sort of barrier to the direct heat.

“Biden’s so boring” is this year’s “Girl, I guess I’m with her.” Both phrases will keep people from voting. For every article that you write about Biden being dull, you get a free MAGA hat!

They’re on their way to become the next Kentucky AG.

All cars should have nonsense skittles colour options. I’m tired of looking at greyscale traffic with the occasional maroon or midnight blue.

Hey, don’t all hate on me now, I just wanna say that I can understand the feelings behind wishing pain and death on Trump. And I hate his politics and all he stands for too! But please remember that letting these kind of feelings get too much room in your life actually will hurt yourself in the end.

Believe me, I

I would much rather have a plastic frame since its in a phone case anyway.

And IP68 water/dust protection on the 5 (no IP rating on the 4a 5G). That’s a spicy meatball for a lot of would-be purchasers.

Pixel 5 also has an IP rating. 

I feel exactly the same. I generally skip a generation of phone and go from flagship to flagship. I have a pixel 3 and a S10 that i own. The problem of using the S10 on googleFI means I don’t to swap between the different networks that googleFI has partnered with and I am instead locked into 1 of their partner’s

Has LG said publicly how long they’ll support this phone with OS and security updates?  Who cares if it’s a neat form factor; if they’re going to drop it 6 months after they release it because it’s not selling and then resign it to the scrap heap of time, you’ll be stuck with an expensive-yet-outdated phone.