How awful does something have to be for Rob "copynator" Schneider to take a pass on? Now we know.
How awful does something have to be for Rob "copynator" Schneider to take a pass on? Now we know.
Nah that was his Maximum Cocaine period
Wasn't "Cell" from King's recovering from getting ran over by a van period?
Werewolf, the Giant spider Invasion, Prince of Space, Pumaman, Hobgoblins, Diabolik, Final Sacrifice, Space Mutiny, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank; - all SciFi channel - Pearl Forrester era. I'll admit Dr. F and TV's Frank were the best Mads, though.
Even high James' charisma is off the charts
Gold and covered in zirconia
Myth-Busters and The Straight Dope both concluded dogs mouths are totally gross and humans mouths mostly clean
That's the name of Caputo's bands first album
Archer probably has done more for Mr Slater's career.
Beaten like a red-headed step-child
Point-Counter Point Point-Point Counter-Counter Point Counter-Counter-Counter-Point.
"I was talking to Preachy-preach 'bout Kissy-kiss.."
Seems to me both bands where drinking from the same folk music well
Is it two for Tuesday already?
Just keep the gremlins away from the stair-lift to heaven
Ramones easier to play
Law and Order changed its cast every few years like clockwork
Cmon there are plenty of resorts you can stay at, they aren't all bad
"This season has had some difficulty building suspense because it hasn’t
found anything as compelling or propelling as the crux of the first
season" I don't think she watching the same show as me.