Muscadine Wine

Really? Suits is attractive people in expensive clothes hanging out in expensive buildings and like legal stuff…

Like that commercial where going on a road trip with Sam Jackson Spike Lee and Charles Barkley is presented as a good time.


Liked his prequel special

The BBC mini-series is only 4 episodes. The Netflix version has
more episodes in the first season than the mini-series including both sequels. 4 hours verses 13 hours - major bloat that even Kevin Spacey can't hide.

The first one was enough for me. Streamed the second, one fell asleep for most of it. Didn't bother with the third.

ah reality's non-union Mexican equivalent

The biggest balls of all

Did the Buddha weigh in on dirty deeds done dirt cheap?

I would play Krankor & Prince of Space: redemption? HA… HA… HA

I like how Metallica trolled the rock press for years by having Lars do most of the interviews

long as it isn't "OZ miniseries" couldn't be bothered to care Zooey Deschanel

well, who is? I mean other than Iggy

Popular consensus can jump up my behind, Candy-O is awesome

I had trouble with him voicing Archer at first because of 'H. Jon Benjamin has a van'. Also "Home Movies"

I liked it. It helps if your into old detective movies, the impressions of famous movie detectives are terrific.

I thought I was the only one who thinks Bob's Burgers is meh at best

where is Magnum PI in that spectrum?

He was great as a Phillip Marlowe analog in "Murder by Death"

Welp learned the bass player sings "just what I needed" not Ric. So there's that.