
Hard to imagine going to a JW gig in 2018 and wanting to document it.

Good riddance to bad garbage.

A synopsis? Sounds like everything we’ve known since ROTJ?

Now HERE’s a guy who wore out his 15 minutes a looooooooooong time ago. A one-hot wonder goof to fill in the empty hour of early MTV 2.

I wonder who she voted for?

Same reason he won’t visit ANY west coast state, especially California. He won’t leave alive.

Are we giving everyone’s step-dad a pass again? Man, a lot changes in 5 days

How does a place called “CaliBurger” only have two locations in California? #InNOutForLife

Marriage is a racket. Love fades for free.

Slow news day.

Token gay for appearances.

I ran my own computer repair business (inventory/accounting/etc) and have done inventory for another big technology company so yeah, having a penis is the only thing that makes me unqualified apparently.

This will never be released.

Bull-fucking-shit. I applied for an after-hours (before/after the store is open) inventory job at Sephora and when I didn’t hear back, I called and asked what the deal was (I have experience, willingness to work long hours to make extra cash while school is out) and they basically said “why would a guy want to work

Area Sad Bois are gonna be stoked.

Because an adult manhandling a child over a childish argument is somehow better than contacting the school/authorities/CPS? WTF?

Pre-emptive blanket excuse for the eventual allegations?

Dude is 34 and was in the Marines during the early 2000's and seemed consistently busy with school until about 2009 so I’m not surprised he missed the entire (in my opinion) best wave of “Emo”.

No one cares that you don’t like Björk anymore. Go write for Bitchfork.

And illegal votes, at that.