

My yearly reminder that people actually give a shit about the Grammys.

So the “joke” was that stupid shit can be sold to the public once it passes through enough red tape? “X-TREME” graphics from the late 90's? I read the words but none of them are humorous.


It was an off-hand quote, yes.

Won’t be the last you hear coming from the East Coast emo/hardcore/etc scene.

Unless we ever see a pre-Ron Howard script, we can agree to disagree on the “palatability” of the humor but Rogue One was a mess from nearly all aspects of its inception/production/release. Plus, it’s Star Wars/SW related. It will never not be popular.

Let me guess: they’re well-off, white and go on seemingly amazing vacations year-round?

A Han Solo standalone film wasn’t allowed to have humorous tone. It’s like Steve Jobs-level of (sometimes tone deaf) personal vision.

Disney ain’t gonna let SW be anything like those.

Rich musician whines about the system that made him rich by wearing the costume of a struggling musician. Yeah fuck this guy.

I feel like the “make an elaborate video to sell a shitty car, bids skyrocket, eBay pulls plug” story makes the rounds every few years:

Also over 30 but I just recognize the trend.

A fake sports network made a documentary about fake sports. What a time to be alive.

Look at the Daily Mail story. “NYC Insta Thot” is a career and she is simply wearing the proper uniform.

Oh, honey...I think you’ll be grasping for tips your wholeeeeeeeeee life.

Shut the fucccccccck up